Wilson's Hospital School

Booklists 2023-2024

Please print the attached booklists and return them to us via email to mkenny@whs.ie or by post marked for the attention of Mary Kenny, with the envelope clearly marked “Book Lists” – before 30th July 2023.

Students should collect their books from school during the week Monday 14th – Saturday 19th August 2023 from 9am-5pm ONLY
(closed for lunch 1pm-2pm).

Form 1 Booklists

Form 2 Booklists

Form 3 Booklists

Form 4 Booklists

Form 5 Booklists

Form 6 Booklists

Wilson's Hospital School
Heathland, Co. Westmeath, N91 AX97, Ireland
044 937 1115
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© 2024 Wilson's Hospital School